the border between two worlds
San Andrés, the largest island in the Colombian Caribbean Sea, is located in the Atlantic Ocean north of the continent. Its sea of seven colors together with its multiple coral reefs instantly capture attention, leading us to want to immerse ourselves in the complexity and beauty of this ecosystem.

The sea, from the outside, is perceived as a great flat, vast and infinite surface that opens a border to another universe, much stranger and less explored by human beings. The water, always in motion, becomes a mirror that unites and at the same time separates two different realities. Its surface reflects the outside world, at the same time that refracts the sound and light waves that plunge into it. It is the limit that makes it possible for these two worlds to converge into one.
This change in environment leads us to experience a place where waves -and life in general- travel slower, gravity becomes less strong and what we normally perceive through our senses is distorted.

The jewels in this collection play with the perception of sight by reflecting the exterior in sterling silver recycled from X-rays and, in turn, distorting this reflection with ecological resin made from soy.

With the purchase of any jewel in the collection SAN ANDRÉS you contribute to the coral reef restoration together with the organization CORALES DE PAZ. This organization contributes to the construction, restoration and monitoring of resilient coral reefs, giving them back life, their beauty, their fish and their recovery capacity. For this, they build coral nurseries in which a small coral grows to the necessary size to later be transplanted into a reef area, where it can be durably integrated into the ecosystem.